4:30 am, rally day. Walk-out rally, the last one of the year. It's where the seniors run out onto the field at the end of the rally to celebrate graduating. I got up and dressed and was at school somewhere around 6:00 am to help decorate the gym with posters, streamers, and blow up balloons with the rest of the leadership class. The day went by pretty fast, rally was a success and we were done with clean up around 5. Javaria and I walked down to the Plaza and grabbed some coffee for a quick pick-me-up. Well, I got coffee and Javaria got hot chocolate. We walked to Barnes and Noble just to sit after such an eventful day, and to warm up. We talked about the excitement for the next school year as well as what the summer would hold for us, and our shared identities and the conflicts that arise because of them. Somewhere in the midst of it Robson texted us saying he was at the Plaza BART station. We walked down and were greeted by Deven who was also there early.
We were all talking about leadership events going on because Robson also had a rally, and were explaining to Deven how intense the recent elections had been for us. While waiting for our train to arrive, we were talking about different household pets we would like to have, and Robson was sharing his love for snakes as well as some of the places we would like to visit once we head back east. Then we were off to Downtown Berkeley. I was the only one who was really familiar with Berkeley, it was like a second home to me so I lead the way to House of Curries. We took the route through campus and I was playing tour guide, sharing all the fun facts I knew about the different spots. It was a walk I take a lot, but this time was with new friends which shows me how far I've come and what I have accomplished.
We got to House of Curries and grabbed menus and I wanted to sit outside on the balcony so we could take cute pictures. It was a little windy but totally worth it. Javaria and I were telling Robson and Deven what everything was and what the best stuff was. After figuring out what we all wanted, I of course got aloo palak (which is basically spinach and potatoes) and naan. Devin shared more about his high school experience as well as what it's like being a music teacher for 8th graders. I have a little brother who's currently in 8th grade so I could definitely relate.
I realized the sun was moving so I suggested we have our photo session somewhere on campus because it had a lot of greenery and aesthetically pleasing buildings. So I suggested we get going, we walked back up Telegraph and Robson and I were sharing the mutual dream we have for being able to attend Berkeley. I told about my summer programs I did there and he was sharing how his sister actually went there. I was asking him how excited he was about Junior year since mine is coming to an end and he didn't seem too ready for it.
We walked through Sather Gate and in front of the Campanile where we were taking photos on the grass. Deven was hilarious, and was on the ground trying to take our pictures as well as get some funny ones in. We were doing a bunch of different poses on the sidewalk and trying to take some 'candid' photos of us laughing and talking. We walked up the stairs where we were trying to see the bridge but it was too foggy, I was taking a bunch of pictures of everyone when they weren't looking, attempting to catch the sunset. Javaria was doing a bunch of poses which I was trying to mimic to no avail. Once she started shivering, we though it would be a good time to start walking down to BART as it was getting late and our parents would be expecting us home soon.

The walk down was pleasant and I noticed a well lit spot underneath the entrance of BAMPFA with a plain white wall. I'm all about simplicity so I asked Deven if we could have one last round of photos since it was on our way down anyways. Bart was pretty packed and we were standing instead of sitting which was fine, everyone else was just trying to get home and I remembered SF State had a department graduation the same night as well, because I saw some people with their caps and flowers, it's crazy to think that that will soon be us.
We got to the Plaza where Javaria's dad picked her up after a while. Robson left to Barnes and Noble because he was meeting his mom there. Deven and I were trying to direct him since we go to the Plaza a lot. Deven was really nice and stayed with me until I got picked up, I was asking him a bunch of questions about his music experience as well as sharing the little amount that I had which I learned from my Physics and Math teacher. I said goodbye to Deven as I walked to Starbucks where I would meet my mom and waved to Deven as he reminded me to check my emails because we would be meeting again soon for dinner. I was glad the day was finally over, I had been up and around all day but I was glad because it was with a purpose. I'm glad our dinner in Berkeley was chill because I really got to know more of the people who will be part of this next chapter for me.
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