The hallways were so empty this morning. |
Today was the first day of class! The day I have been waiting for, I got dressed and grabbed my bag which I had set the night before, and was off to breakfast because they say that it's the most important meal of the day. I felt like a little kid on the first day of school because I was actually so excited to see my class and meet my peers to see what my life would look like for next few weeks. Bella and I walked down to Goldwin Smith Hall, her class started late and I wanted to be early so I wished her luck with her late start class.
We walked in a little late but our instructor was fine with us coming in since a few people had some trouble finding the building and room. I sat in the front because I wanted to make a good impression, but more so that could see since even with my glasses I'm hopeless. The classroom was small but full of smiling faces. Our instructor's name is Mark W. Deets, he studied at Cornell and retired from the Marine Corps which I thought was very interesting. We also have two TAs named Josh Savala and Nick Myers.
The first thing we did was introduce ourselves to our partners, my partner was named Cailor who studied at Durham School for the Arts in North Carolina, she does softball and tennis as well as takes theatre classes. The reasons she was in this course were very similar to mine, because the characteristics and qualities that a leader possesses are those that can be applied into many aspects of life whether that be school or work, etc.
We went up and introduced our partners while they did the same for us, as well as shared a leadership quote we had and why we chose it. My quote was, "We are the ones we have been waiting for." from June Jordan. I was one of the few people who didn't search 'leadership quotes' in the Google search engine. I have actually known this quote since I started high school and I chose it because it is empowering to me, with everything going on around us we critique the leaders we see and hope for a better tomorrow. Rather than waiting for someone to make a change we are the ones who have the same capabilities to project our voice and to have a positive impact about our passions.
The rest of class was mostly the instructor talking about how to deal with the reading amount you get in college, course expectations and all the logistics since that is what mostly happens on the first day. We had frequent breaks and our instructor even showed us where there was a cafe in the atrium so that we could have our daily dose of caffeine which he said he also needed. After class we all walked as a class to Goldwin Smith to see what a discussion hall would look like and where would start the mornings off before we broke. I stopped for a bit to ask the TA, Josh, more about where to access assignments and such since I arrived late and missed the faculty convocation on the weekend. Josh is also from California so I was telling him about my crazy journey here, he was understanding as to why I wasn't able to make it as well as the travel struggles.
Inside RPCC. |
I went to my room and tried to start setting up my Blackboard account which is where I would have all my assignments and information I would need. I noticed there was a book on the reading list I didn't have so I went down to the Cornell Store with Miffy and had a photoshoot in front of the tower which Josh was walking past and photobombed. I cannot believe he saw me doing all my poses and acting like I was a model. I got back to my room and started to take notes on the reading assignment for discussion the next day to be emailed during dinner by my Professor saying not to worry about it yet because not everyone has it. I'm glad I'm somewhat ahead already. Deven also came on campus to have a quick check in with how everything is going as well as some college advice. I went to dinner with some girls who I met at the scavenger and just had fun on the way back through the rain. The rest of my night was spent taking notes and reading in preparation for the next day's class. I'm excited and nervous to see what comes next.
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